Emotional Maturity

Today marks two years since I’ve had a drink.  I can’t believe how fast it’s gone and I am SO incredibly proud of myself.

I’ve grown so much since making this decision mostly in emotional maturity.  I see now how much I used alcohol as an avoidance and numbing tool.  That I could never really sit with my negative feelings or I would drink to “forget my problems.”

What did this do?  Just compounded problems!!  And had negative emotions fester and live inside of me instead of being expressed.

You see emotions are Energy in Motion.  The average lifespan of an emotion if fully felt in the moment is only 90 seconds.  The problem comes when we judge and suppress the emotion.  It then gets stored in our body instead of being processed and let go.

When you have a build up of these negative emotions inside of you, it is affecting you much more than you know.  It keeps you thinking negative thoughts, it lowers your vibration and has you unconsciously pulsing out a negative frequency instead of a frequency of what you WANT.

I believe this is a HUGE reason why the law of attraction doesn’t work for most people.  Because you can try to think positively all you want, but if you have a ton of unprocessed, negative emotions living in your body, that is the feeling state you will be in 99% of the time.  

And those negative emotions become so commonplace, that is just your normal not realizing there is a much lighter and better way to feel.

These emotions are then coming up and being reflected to you while you’re screaming at people in traffic, quietly resenting your spouse, getting mad at the barista for getting your order wrong.

All of these outer world things are just feeding and affirming these negative emotions inside of you.  

I’m here to tell you, there’s a better way to live!!!  It doesn’t mean you have to let go of alcohol like I did, but it does mean bringing more awareness to your thoughts and feelings and understanding how to actually feel and process them.

My life has changed dramatically since learning this skill and it helps to keep me living in a very positive, happy state.  

If you want to learn more about this or would like any support in letting go of a nonproductive behavior, I am here to help.






Playing it Safe