
I’m really open about my life in these emails, on social media and with my clients. I believe it’s one of the best ways I can help people - to show the things I’m going through and have experienced and how it’s possible for others too.

Something I am not as open about is my love life.  Why?  I think it’s because there’s been a lot of shame about my past and failed relationships.  

For the last few years, I have been dedicated to understanding myself, seeing my patterns in relationships and making sure I am happy on my own instead of relying on someone else.

I spent a lot of time dreaming up what I wanted in a partnership in my life.

Anything that wasn’t that, I said no to.  I met some really great men along the way but they just weren’t what I wanted and needed in someone.

In the fall of last year I met someone unexpectedly and serendipitously.     

As much as I said I wanted a serious relationship, I see how my old patterns of walls and fleeing are still very much present.  This whole journey has been so healing for me in many ways. To allow someone to see all of me, and let the love in.  It’s not something I’ve really experienced before.

I’m learning to actually ask for what I need (instead of assuming someone knows) and then trust he will give that to me if he can.

This is a completely different dynamic than I’m used to where I would perpetually strategize and keep my cards close to my chest.  (Why did I think that would work?!)

I found myself nervous to send this email out thinking “what if we break up shortly after?!”

I recognize that’s still the scared little girl inside of me who is terrified of getting her heart broken.  But the more we let fear get in the way, the less we can experience the fullness of life!

I don’t know what the future holds for us living in different states but I have to keep reminding myself that I don’t need to figure it out.  I can stay present and enjoy the unfolding knowing that everything is always working out for my highest good.  And just enjoy the healing power of love along the way.



PS...Want to create the vision for your dream relationship?  That's one of the first things we do in ALCHEMY - get super clear on what we want for our relationships and three other main areas of your life.  Then I show you how to bring it to life.  Book a call with me to see if it's a good fit.


Victim or Victor?


Perception vs. Reality