That Holiday Cheer

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!  It truly is a wonderful time of the year filled with family, friends, giving and a lot of love.

I’ve been thinking about how we wait all year for this time of holiday music, moviesdecorations, cookies etc. that bring us so much joy.  We use those things to help us get into the holiday spirit.

In reality, we can create that holiday cheer any time we want.  Because just like everything I preach about, it’s not about relying on the outside world for it but learning to cultivate those feelings within ourselves.  

My invitation for you is to soak in all the good feelings today.  Anchor in the laughter, love ad joy that is all around; snapshot some memories that made you smile.  This way you can bring up these feelings at will to focus yourself into a good feeling.

It’s not about the amount of decorations you put up, the gifts you give or get - it’s about the love, the joy, the connection.  All of which can be replicated at any time.

Thank you *|FNAME|* for being on this journey with me and my sincerest, heartfelt gratitude goes out to you.  Wishing you and your loved ones all the love, joy and laughter to fill you for the whole year ahead.





