
I’ve been into personal growth for as long as I can remember.  I thought the idea of changing yourself and becoming better was very alluring (still am obviously).

What I uncovered was I had a subconscious belief that “I’m not good enough as I am so I have to change in order to be worthy.”  

So I was always in this perpetual state of finding things to change and fix about myself.  This is an easy trap to fall into in a society that’s constantly pushing us to do more.

What I now know is that when you are always thinkingthere’s something to fix,” you will continuously attract more and more things to fix!

This keeps you in an endless cycle of never feeling good enough.

Damn that’s exhausting.

I understand things differently now.  The best way to change and to propel yourself forward actually starts with self acceptance.  Accepting yourself exactly as you are now - where you are and who you are completely.

It’s only then in full acceptance can you make an empowered decision to choose a new behavior in the moment (because all we ever have is the present moment).

Instead of running away from yourself, you’re compounding to the greatness that you already are!

As you’re in the thick of working on your New Year’s Resolutions, see if it’s coming from this energy of wanting to fix something or not feeling good enough.

Take a few conscious breaths and shift your focus on radical self acceptance.  You will feel a huge weight off your shoulders.  I know I did.




Embrace the Wobbles

