Embrace the Wobbles

I get a lot of ideas for these emails and my other content when I’m out for a walk or in yoga class.  

I think there’s something about moving in a methodical way, being present and quieting the mind during these activities that makes room for inspired thoughts to come in.

While in yoga class last week, I was getting frustrated while holding a pose.  I was wobbling all over the place nervous I would fall.

Why was I getting so frustrated about wobbling?  Doesn’t that mean I’m pushing myself to a new zone?  Who cares if I fall!  I’ll get stronger and stronger with each try.

Of course you’re not going to wobble if you’re always staying safely in your comfort zone.  It’s only when we’re pushing ourselves, stretching our limits that we’re going to feel unstable.  

Then with enough practice, maybe some falling down, that becomes our new base line.  Our new comfort zone.  From there, we start again.  That’s the process of growth.  

Without testing our limits and pushing the boundaries, we’ll never see what we’re truly capable of.  So let's embrace the wobbles - it's a sign of growth!

This is the key to unearthing more and more of the deep reservoirs of potential that lie inside of us.

I love this quote by Steve Bow: “God’s gift to us is more talent and ability than we could possibly use in our lifetime.  Our gift to God is to develop and use as much of that talent and ability as we can in this lifetime.





