
As many of you know, I talk about goals a lot.  How to set ones that come from your heart and really light you up.  While I love setting really big, exciting goals, I think it’s a balance between being too future focused and staying present in the moment.

When we set goals because we’re unhappy with where we are in our lives, then we’re looking to the future for salvation.  We’re saying we’re unhappy with where we are and once I get to this other destination, THEN I will be happy.

It doesn’t work like that!  When you come from that type of energy - the lacking/needy energy - nothing is ever going to make you feel better.  Even in the accomplishment of something significant.

The trick is being fully appreciative and grateful for your life now while also wanting to bring those dreams in your heart to life for the FUN of it!

Not because you need it, not because where you are now isn’t good but because it would just be a super cool journey with lots of exploration and expansion along the way.  Oh and if you make it to the goal, awesome!!!

There’s no demands on the universe, there’s just innocent excitement - both for where you are now and where you’re going.  

Find this balance between gratitude for your life now while also setting that big goal that excites you just to think about it.  This is the sweet spot where everything you desire and more starts flowing to you with ease.  





