
I talk about gratitude a lot and I really do believe it is so important in life.  But I think it can also be misconstrued.  

Having gratitude for things in your life doesn’t mean everything is perfect.  It also doesn’t mean that you’re always in a positive state.  

In the past I would use gratitude to deny how I was feeling - telling myself I shouldn’t feel a certain way because there are so many people in the world who have it worse.

Gratitude is just a way to shift your focus to everything that is already good in your life.  But it shouldn’t be used as a reason to cover up what you’re really feeling.  

I spent Thanksgiving alone and was filled with feelings of sadness missing my family on the east coast, feeling lonely and vulnerable.

What did I do?  I allowed myself to feel everything.  I drew myself a nice bath, listened to music, cried, laughed and then ate a lot of dessert.

Appreciation and gratitude for life’s gifts is important.  But just as important is not invalidating your feelings for fear of not seeming grateful.

Without the sadness, grief and anger there wouldn’t be things to be grateful for!  Experiencing those human emotions helps us have compassion for ourselves and others.  

We need the dark in order for the light to exist.  So yes practice gratitude but not as a way to lie to yourself or force yourself into a positive state.  But as a thank you to the universe knowing that everything is always changing and you’re appreciative of the goodness in your life right now.





