
I think self-inquiry is something everyone should do. Well there are no shoulds in life and everyone’s path is different, so let me rephrase that - self-inquiry has been extremely beneficial in my life.

I’ve become an earnest investigator of myself and it can be very enlightening.  When you start looking deeply into yourself, you see that you are nothing but pure consciousness living out conditioned patterns set by the mind.

I see how these conditioned patterns are always looking for comfort, seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.  But to what detriment?

I see it with what I eat, what kind of workouts I do, things in my business, and of course while sitting on the couch wanting to just watch Netflix.

If you stay in your comfort zone, your comfort zone shrinks and your world becomes smaller.  When you step into challenge, you start to learn and your comfort zone continuously expands.

I want to start stepping out of comfort and challenge myself more and more.  Because I know that no growth happens in comfort.  And if you’re not growing, you’re disintegrating because nothing ever stays the same.

Start watching how much you seek pleasure and stay comfortable.  How can you challenge yourself today?





