
Often times people will say to me about how they like the positive messages I share.  Which I very much appreciate. But what I want people to understand is that there is something called toxic positivity.  

A lot of new age people are all about “love and light” and because of this may end up suppressing a lot of negative feelings.  I know I used to do this.  

If I was angry or upset I would tell myself “I shouldn’t be feeling this way".  And I would force myself to feel better.

What I understand now is that ALL emotions are valid. In fact, I believe we came here in this human experience to feel the full range of emotions.  How can we expect to feel whole if we’re only allowing half of the spectrum of emotions?!  

Emotions are energy in motion and if we don’t allow ourselves to actually feel them, they can get trapped in our bodies.  With enough build-up of this energy in our bodies, it can start to disrupt the body and distort our sense of reality.

I believe that reality is always reflecting things back to us and every situation we encounter is what we need for the evolution of our consciousness. This means that we will face situations that are going to bring up those suppressed emotions so we can feel and process them. 

The more we are able to actually feel the emotion and let it go, the more energy becomes available for us to use for creating what we want in our lives.

Oftentimes this is difficult for us because we get attached to a story about the feeling and it causes us to get stuck in it.  An emotion has an average lifespan of 90 seconds unless we are giving it a story or judging it as bad - then it starts to last a lot longer.  

Next time something triggers you and you feel angry, upset, jealous etc.  Think of it as medicine and be thankful for it!  Go sit in silence and feel that energy in your body, take some deep breaths and allow it to process through without getting stuck in the story and projecting it on the other person.  You may even want to punch some pillows or let out a big scream which is a great way to get rid of some of that energy build-up.

Remember it’s not about the other person or situation at all - it’s just the stored old emotional pain trying to find an outlet.  





