
Just like a wire cannot conduct electricity when there is too much resistance, we cannot be conduits for energy to flow through us when we have resistance. 

Resistance for us humans comes in when our mind gets in the way.  Negativity is resistance.  Arguing with what is present is resistance.  Anytime we argue with reality - telling ourselves this shouldn’t be happening, you don’t like what is happening or worrying about what will happen - you lose.

Energy is always running to and through us.  And the degree that we allow that energy to flow depends on how much we are allowing or resisting it.  

When the energy flows freely, our life becomes easier.  We have more energy, we have a better attitude and we are in the flow of life.

When it’s not, it's like we're swimming upstream - we’re tired, struggling to get by and everything seems hard.

When you can learn to focus and relax your thoughts and mind, you can reduce and even eliminate the resistance.  

This has been critical in my life and once I learned to do this, my life became SO much easier.  Magical synchronicities happen all the time, my work gets done much easier, I am full of energy and vitality.  

It’s SO much more fun to live this way!  I encourage you to try this for a period of time, and see what happens in your life.






Embrace the Wobbles