Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


I think this word should be vanished from our vocabulary. It’s my opinion that this word causes us more harm and suffering than any other word.

I think this word should be vanished from our vocabulary.  It’s my opinion that this word causes us more harm and suffering than any other word.  

I looked up the definition and found it interesting:  used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions.

To me, this means every time we use the word should, we are criticizing ourselves.  And every time we criticize ourselves, our self-esteem takes a hit.

The way we talk to ourselves is of utmost importance.  I believe, it's one of the most important indicators on the kind of life you will live.

If you are in a constant battle with yourself in your mind, you won’t find peace anywhere in your external world.  

Cultivating a peaceful mind starts with dropping all criticism of yourself, which includes use of the word should.

Replace it with a more empowering word instead - could.  “I could if I wanted to...”  This reclaims your power back.  It gives you choice.  And you realize there really are no should’s, it’s just a choice of whether we want to do something or not.

Be mindful of your words and try making this one small change for a big impact.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


I try really hard. I always have. Trying to be a good person, to do the right thing, to be successful.

I try really hard.  I always have.  Trying to be a good person, to do the right thing, to be successful.  

What I realized is that “trying” to do these things means we’re not actually doing them at all.  We are kept in that trying energy never actually BEING any of it.

What I’ve found is that we actually have to embody the energy of what we want to become.  When you step into the identity of that highest version of yourself, there is no more trying.  You effortlessly take the actions of that version of you.  No trying necessary.

Reality is a boomerang always bringing back to you the energy you are emanating you so when you are in the energy of trying that is what you will get in return.  But when you are the energy of BEING and DOING, you’re emanating a completely different energy.  

For example instead of TRYING to be a nice person, you are sending out kindness.  Instead of TRYING to do the right thing, you are transmitting out integrity.  Instead of TRYING to be successful, you are emitting confidence.

I see it like an actor in a movie looking forced and fake versus completely embodying the role.  You can clearly tell a difference.  

It completely changes the game and in turn we receive back something very different from the universe.  

As Yoda said, “There is no try.  Only do



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


As many of you know, I talk about goals a lot.  How to set ones that come from your heart and really light you up.  While I love setting really big, exciting goals, I think it’s a balance between being too future focused and staying present in the moment.

As many of you know, I talk about goals a lot.  How to set ones that come from your heart and really light you up.  While I love setting really big, exciting goals, I think it’s a balance between being too future focused and staying present in the moment.

When we set goals because we’re unhappy with where we are in our lives, then we’re looking to the future for salvation.  We’re saying we’re unhappy with where we are and once I get to this other destination, THEN I will be happy.

It doesn’t work like that!  When you come from that type of energy - the lacking/needy energy - nothing is ever going to make you feel better.  Even in the accomplishment of something significant.

The trick is being fully appreciative and grateful for your life now while also wanting to bring those dreams in your heart to life for the FUN of it!

Not because you need it, not because where you are now isn’t good but because it would just be a super cool journey with lots of exploration and expansion along the way.  Oh and if you make it to the goal, awesome!!!

There’s no demands on the universe, there’s just innocent excitement - both for where you are now and where you’re going.  

Find this balance between gratitude for your life now while also setting that big goal that excites you just to think about it.  This is the sweet spot where everything you desire and more starts flowing to you with ease.  



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


I talk about gratitude a lot and I really do believe it is so important in life. But I think it can also be misconstrued.

I talk about gratitude a lot and I really do believe it is so important in life.  But I think it can also be misconstrued.  

Having gratitude for things in your life doesn’t mean everything is perfect.  It also doesn’t mean that you’re always in a positive state.  

In the past I would use gratitude to deny how I was feeling - telling myself I shouldn’t feel a certain way because there are so many people in the world who have it worse.

Gratitude is just a way to shift your focus to everything that is already good in your life.  But it shouldn’t be used as a reason to cover up what you’re really feeling.  

I spent Thanksgiving alone and was filled with feelings of sadness missing my family on the east coast, feeling lonely and vulnerable.

What did I do?  I allowed myself to feel everything.  I drew myself a nice bath, listened to music, cried, laughed and then ate a lot of dessert.

Appreciation and gratitude for life’s gifts is important.  But just as important is not invalidating your feelings for fear of not seeming grateful.

Without the sadness, grief and anger there wouldn’t be things to be grateful for!  Experiencing those human emotions helps us have compassion for ourselves and others.  

We need the dark in order for the light to exist.  So yes practice gratitude but not as a way to lie to yourself or force yourself into a positive state.  But as a thank you to the universe knowing that everything is always changing and you’re appreciative of the goodness in your life right now.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


Oh this little five letter word has so much charge behind it. Tons of beliefs, emotions and meaning to it. It’s a huge focus for so many people. Not just earning money, but saving it, spending it, making sure NOT to be too focused on it.

Oh this little five letter word has so much charge behind it.  Tons of beliefs, emotions and meaning to it.  It’s a huge focus for so many people.  Not just earning money, but saving it, spending it, making sure NOT to be too focused on it.

We give the amount we make and what we have in the bank so much meaning.  We even make it mean something about ourselves!

We pick up a shirt we like in a store and immediately look at the price tag and make a decision based on that, rather than if we really like and want the shirt!

Why, why do we give so much power to pieces of paper with dead presidents on it?!  Or a few numbers on a screen?!

I’m writing this because I am guilty of this too.  Ever since I was a little girl I talked about wanting to win the lottery.  Why was that a goal of mine at 10 years old?!  

Money is energy and it’s just a means of exchange.  It has no inherent meaning except the meaning we give it.

Money should be our servant, not our master.  

I’ve shifted MANY long held beliefs about money (and still am) and the more I do, the  better my relationship is with money.

My tip for you today is to start treating money like a person.  And think about if that person would want to be around you.  Or if they want to avoid you because you are hoarding, resenting and blaming it for all your problems.  Start appreciating and thanking your money instead, making it welcome into your experience.  

No matter what your current relationship with money is, I promise this will start to improve it.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Emotional Maturity

Today marks two years since I’ve had a drink. I can’t believe how fast it’s gone and I am SO incredibly proud of myself.

Today marks two years since I’ve had a drink.  I can’t believe how fast it’s gone and I am SO incredibly proud of myself.

I’ve grown so much since making this decision mostly in emotional maturity.  I see now how much I used alcohol as an avoidance and numbing tool.  That I could never really sit with my negative feelings or I would drink to “forget my problems.”

What did this do?  Just compounded problems!!  And had negative emotions fester and live inside of me instead of being expressed.

You see emotions are Energy in Motion.  The average lifespan of an emotion if fully felt in the moment is only 90 seconds.  The problem comes when we judge and suppress the emotion.  It then gets stored in our body instead of being processed and let go.

When you have a build up of these negative emotions inside of you, it is affecting you much more than you know.  It keeps you thinking negative thoughts, it lowers your vibration and has you unconsciously pulsing out a negative frequency instead of a frequency of what you WANT.

I believe this is a HUGE reason why the law of attraction doesn’t work for most people.  Because you can try to think positively all you want, but if you have a ton of unprocessed, negative emotions living in your body, that is the feeling state you will be in 99% of the time.  

And those negative emotions become so commonplace, that is just your normal not realizing there is a much lighter and better way to feel.

These emotions are then coming up and being reflected to you while you’re screaming at people in traffic, quietly resenting your spouse, getting mad at the barista for getting your order wrong.

All of these outer world things are just feeding and affirming these negative emotions inside of you.  

I’m here to tell you, there’s a better way to live!!!  It doesn’t mean you have to let go of alcohol like I did, but it does mean bringing more awareness to your thoughts and feelings and understanding how to actually feel and process them.

My life has changed dramatically since learning this skill and it helps to keep me living in a very positive, happy state.  

If you want to learn more about this or would like any support in letting go of a nonproductive behavior, I am here to help.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Playing it Safe

I’ve become aware that I have been playing it safe in several areas of my life. I am so fearful of making a mistake or failing that I don’t go all in.

I’ve become aware that I have been playing it safe in several areas of my life.  I am so fearful of making a mistake or failing that I don’t go all in.

I didn’t even realize I was doing this.  But thank you to my coach and some deep inner work I became aware of this pattern.  I get into my head and start overthinking things before they even get started.

I judge myself harshly thinking “I should know better.”  But aren’t all experiences for us to learn and grow?  It doesn’t matter how it turns out because there will be lessons in everything.

So now I want to allow myself to get messy, dive into things and just trust myself that whatever happens I will be ok.  Even if something hurts or I fail miserably or I hurt someone else, it’s all part of this beautiful, messy process of life.

Where are you playing it safe?  I dare you to dive in and let it get messy.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Attitudes of Mind

I believe that people are always responding to what we are holding in our mind. If we believe something to be true about ourselves or someone, that will always be affirmed to us in our reality. It can be no other way.

I believe that people are always responding to what we are holding in our mind. If we believe something to be true about ourselves or someone, that will always be affirmed to us in our reality.  It can be no other way.

I’ve been on a Spanish adventure for the past week.  On my first day in Barcelona, I was noticing that people seemed unfriendly and unhelpful.  

Then I realized it was because of how I was thinking and acting. I was self-conscious not knowing the language at all.  I was thinking that people would be annoyed if I didn’t speak Spanish

So I was timid and wary.  In response to this, people were not responding well to me.

I decided to change my thoughts and change my behavior

I kept repeating to myself “I love people and people love me.”  “People are always helpful and can feel my good energy.”  Then I showed up more confidently and friendly with these new beliefs.  

In a matter of minutes, people were smiling at me in the street, helpful to me in stores and infinitely more welcoming!

It was so fun and cool to see such a shift so quickly.  Now I have met so many friendly and amazing people. I even manifested a free night in one of the places I was staying!

Life can be so fun when you understand how to use your mind to get what you want.  If there’s someone in your life that is not responding to you the way you’d like, shift your beliefs and attitude about them.  And watch them start to change.  



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


Inside the minds’ of every person you’ve ever crossed paths lives a different version of you. 

Inside the minds’ of every person you’ve ever crossed paths lives a different version of you. 

No one has ever truly met YOU. The YOU that only you know so intimately.  

It’s interesting to think about that.  Which means that everyone has a different opinion of you.

So why then are we always so concerned about others’ opinions of us?!  

I learned that someone I recently met doesn’t have the best opinion of me. When I heard that, my heart started to race and my mind went into overdrive

“What if they knew about my good heart and pure intentions?”  “Maybe if they got to know me more and saw how nice I am they wouldn’t feel that way.”  And on and on my mind went.

Until I stopped it. Why do I feel like I need to manage someone else’s opinion of me.  I’m clearly misunderstood by them and that’s perfectly fine. I don’t need to be understood by everyone.

It’s taken me a while to learn this but the only thing that matters is my opinion of me. 

When you understand who you are and you can hold esteem and approval for who you are, then nothing anyone thinks about you matters.

When you’re constantly doing things for the approval and admiration of others, it’s a sure fire way to betray yourself. And little by little eats away at your self esteem.

Know who you are, love who you are and be ok with being misunderstood.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Yes to Life

I was invited to spend this past weekend in Nebraska at a ranch for a retreat/festival hosted by a well-known guy in the finance industry. 

I was invited to spend this past weekend in Nebraska at a ranch for a retreat/festival hosted by a well-known guy in the finance industry. 

The way the invitation came in just a couple weeks prior was very serendipitous and it happened to be the one weekend in October I didn’t have any plans.

So I said yes.  I didn’t know a soul that was going to be there but it sounded right up my alley and I felt a lot of excitement at the thought of going.

I went in with zero expectations and just kept myself open to whatever was present.

It was cold, rainy and extremely muddy. I was staying in a tent with someone I never met before.  I was forced to mingle and eat dinner with total strangers. It pushed me out of my comfort zone in a lot of ways. 

What happened? I had the most magical time! I said yes to everything, I ran into just the right people at exactly the right time and I broke out of some of my hard and fast rules and stayed up all night.

It was expansive, fun and freeing.  It proved to me this is what happens when we say yes to life and allow things to unfold naturally, exactly as they should without expectations, pushing or forcing.

I think I’ll give this a try more often - saying yes to life when opportunities present themselves and trusting the unfolding.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

The Process

As I was in yoga class over the weekend, I was receiving lots of insights as I typically do.

As I was in yoga class over the weekend, I was receiving lots of insights as I typically do.

I caught myself checking my watch to see how much longer we had of class.  When it hit me, why am I always rushing to the end?  

As with most things in life, we are so eager for the goal, the end result, that we miss the journey along the way.

Everything becomes a means to an end“Life is a journey.  Enjoy the process.”  We’ve heard these sayings before but it hit me in a different way.

What if we not only enjoyed the journey but absolutely fell in love with the process.  Fell in love with every single step - the difficult, the easy, the fun, the challenging - we just loved it all.  

Recognizing that it is all fleeting and being grateful for what’s in front of you at the moment.  Not rushing through things thinking the end goal will bring salvation.

Just relaxing, enjoying life’s ride every step of the way.

So after I checked my watch, I laughed at myself, took a deep breath and just got back into the moment.  Before I knew it, class was overNever to have that same exact class ever again.  Just a memory now.

Here’s your reminder to not just enjoy but surrender to and fall in love with the process of life.  Sit back and enjoy the ride.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


I truly believe, what is desired by you, is destined for you. Meaning, you wouldn’t even have the desire for something that isn’t meant to be yours.

I truly believe, what is desired by you, is destined for you.  Meaning, you wouldn’t even have the desire for something that isn’t meant to be yours.  

But something I’ve learned is there is a difference between our hearts’ desires and our egos’ desires.

Often times we desire things because we are coming from a place of lack or feelings of wanting to prove ourselves.  “Once I have this, THEN I will be successful, have made it, be happy.etc”  The ego feels incomplete and is always seeking MORE.  

Unfortunately that feeling of wanting more is a bottomless pit that can never be satiated.

Our hearts’ desires come without the baggage.  You may still desire something like massive wealth but it’s because you think it would be fun to have!  Or maybe you always envisioned yourself having that huge house for the whole family, or traveling around the world to explore.  

When you think about them, you feel uplifted and excited!  When it comes from the ego, it’s stressful, feels heavy and the underlying energy is “I HAVE to have this otherwise I failed.”

I believe we put dreams in our heart before we came here to Earth School.  When we go after those desires, they manifest much more easily and with less effort than the desires of our ego.

Check in with yourself - where are your desires coming from?  Start searching your heart for many of us have buried those desires.  Know they are yours for the taking if you’re brave enough to make a decision to go after them.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Two Paths

I’ve come to learn there are two paths we can take in life. The first path is the one driven by fear and our ego. Meaning, we take a job we think we “should,” we are motivated out of fear and lack. Then we set out to hustle and achieve with force looking to gain money, status, reputation etc.

I’ve come to learn there are two paths we can take in life.  The first path is the one driven by fear and our ego.  Meaning, we take a job we think we “should,” we are motivated out of fear and lack.  Then we set out to hustle and achieve with force looking to gain money, status, reputation etc.

The energy behind this path is negative and in turn creates a lot of negativity and emptiness in our lives despite our efforts.

The second path is the way of the soul.  It’s driven by our hearts true desires and our passion.  We follow our passion, we do what we love and we naturally magnetize our desires from a place of joy and love.

The energy behind this path is ease and flow and in turn creates more even more joy and fulfillment than we even could have imagined.

Clearly the second path sounds much more enjoyable but unfortunately most of us are taking that first path.  Why?  Because we fear our passions wouldn’t afford the lifestyle we want, we don’t trust the universe and so we try to control our lives, we care too much about going against the norm or we have beliefs that taught us that was the ONLY path.

Whatever it is, it’s time to start understanding these two paths.  And if you want to live a life of joy and ease, clearly the second path is the best option.

This is the journey that I’ve been on.  Discovering what are my heart’s true desires, what is truly my passion and how can I fearlessly travel this second path no matter how crazy it looks to outsiders with total faith that it’s going to get me exactly where I want to go.  It’s not easy after spending most of my life on the first path, but it certainly has been more fun :)



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


Are you waiting for outside conditions to change in order for you to feel happy, fulfilled, loved, wealthy etc?

Are you waiting for outside conditions to change in order for you to feel happy, fulfilled, loved, wealthy etc?

Like you want your partner to behave a certain way so you feel loved.  Or you want your bank account to have a certain amount to feel wealthy.  Or you want your boss to praise you more to feel appreciated.

As long you are waiting for outside conditions to change in order to feel a certain way, you will be waiting forever.


A couple of reasonsFirst off, “waiting” is actually a state of consciousness.  And from all I’ve learned and continue to study, it’s our state of consciousness that creates our reality.  So a state of waiting in your mind is sure to create a perpetual state of waiting in your reality.

Secondly, when we base our feelings off our outside circumstances, we give all of our power away.  What you may not realize is everything has to be created and cultivated from within first in order to have LASTING change in any area.

If you’re always looking for an outside circumstance to make you feel a certain way, you are constantly at the whim of the outside world.  And how often is the outside exactly what you’re looking for?  Almost never!!  Which means you will feel frustrated more of the time with only fleeting feelings of what you want to attain.

You must learn to cultivate all feelings within first so that becomes your state of consciousness and can manifest in the world around you.  Not sure how to do that?  That’s what I’m here for 😀 Reply with ME to get the link to book a no-cost call with me to learn how.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Nice vs Kind

I’ve talked about this before but it’s been on my mind a lot recently.  There’s a big difference between being nice and being kind.

I’ve talked about this before but it’s been on my mind a lot recently.  There’s a big difference between being nice and being kind.

Nice is saying something to appease the other person.  It’s almost being manipulative because you “don’t want to make the other person upset.”  So instead, you lie to be “nice.

How backwards is that?!?!?  

Being kind is telling someone the truth no matter what.  I found in my life I was being nice so much of the time, I didn’t even know what my truth was.  It was second nature to just be nice, which is extremely not nice to myself.

Remember it’s not your responsibility to manage someone else’s feelings.  You manage yourself - your own emotions and feelings and let other people manage theirs.

Find your truth and don’t be afraid to speak it.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


My mind has all kinds of agendas.  What it wants to do, what it thinks I “should” do, how it thinks things should go.

My mind has all kinds of agendas.  What it wants to do, what it thinks I “should” do, how it thinks things should go.  

And when things don’t pan out the way our mind thought, there’s often negativity around it.

This weekend I had plans to go to Aspen for the Jazz festival which I’ve wanted to do since I’ve lived in Colorado. I bought the tickets months ago and was tagging along with a friend who had made all the plans.  

For some reason, the week or so leading up to it I was getting a nagging feeling abut it.  I would have anxiety start to pop up when I thought about the weekend.

But my mind was throwing a fit - it had its own agenda and own plans.  “Adrienne don’t be crazy, it’s going to be so fun.”  “You have no other plans, don’t you want to have fun this weekend?”  “Don’t be lame.”  And on and on it went trying to convince me why I needed to go.

I’ve been in this situation a lot in my life - where I have a gut feeling about something and my mind justifies why I should still go through with it.

I decided to listen to my intuition and cancel my plans.  It wasn’t easy and I had serious FOMO all weekend.  But I also had some beautiful experiences and profound insights and I know I made the right decision - even if I can’t fully understand why.

I encourage you to slow down, get out of your head and start listening to your intuition.  Quit forcing your mind’s agenda on everything and learn to flow with where life is taking you.  Things tend to work out much better when you do.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


I love the acronym - False Evidence Appearing Real. There is a lot of fear out there these days. Everywhere you look - the news, social media, movies etc.

I love the acronym - False Evidence Appearing Real.  There is a lot of fear out there these days.  Everywhere you look - the news, social media, movies etc.

It’s enough to keep you in a perpetual state of fear.  

I believe you’re either doing things out of fear or doing things out of love.  There’s no in between.  And we get to choose which we want to engage with.

The more we act out of love instead of fear, the happier and more free we are.

Be careful what you watch and what you’re focusing on.  The more you focus on the fear, the more will come into your experience.

Ask yourself with each decision - am I doing this out of love or out of fear?

You might be surprised to see how much fear is controlling you.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Coming Out

I’ve always been a spiritual person. Even while working in finance and being very logical and analytical, something about spirituality always intrigued me.

I’ve always been a spiritual person.  Even while working in finance and being very logical and analytical, something about spirituality always intrigued me.  

In the last 2.5 years since leaving the industry, I’ve explored more and more in the spiritual world - the likes of religious texts, quantum physics, manifestation, mediumship and channeling.  

I’ve even opened up my own intuitive/spiritual gifts of mediumship (connecting with loved ones across the veil) and channeling (bringing through wisdom from higher levels of consciousness.)

While this has become such a big part of my life, I’ve really hid this from my audiences since I know the majority of people are in the finance world and I’ve feared coming across as “crazy” or too “woo.”

But I think it’s time to come out with it and share this side of me because after all, it is a big part of who I am and what I believe it.

I understand that not everyone shares the same beliefs as me and that is completely fine.

What I ask is you keep an open mind about these things, because what I’ve learned is that we know very little about the nature reality.  Our brain filters out 99.9% of information, so just because we can’t physically see something, doesn’t mean it isn’t real.

So this is me, Adrienne Grace - coach, consultant, medium, channel, modern mystic and whatever other labels someone wants to give me.

If you’re interested in learning more or having a conversation about any of this (or even want to debate it!), please reach out to me.  And if you’re interested in booking a session, you can do so here.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace


Sometimes I forget how drastically my life has changed over the past couple of years.  I get reminded when I meet someone new or speak with an old friend from the industry.

Sometimes I forget how drastically my life has changed over the past couple of years.  I get reminded when I meet someone new or speak with an old friend from the industry.  

When I share about how I quit my high-paying career to start my own business, quit drinking and bought my dream mountain home, people's response is usually: "Wow you have a lot of courage."

I see it differently.  I'm not discounting the fact that it took an immense amount of courage to do all of those things, but for me, it's because I come from a place of absolute faith and complete knowing.

What do I mean by that?  I have developed a level of faith that I KNOW beyond the shadow of a doubt that everything is going to work out for me.  

I KNOW that if I hold onto the vision I'm creating, that it must come to fruition in my life.

I KNOW that if I follow my intuition that I am always divinely supported.

I KNOW that even if things don't work out exactly as I thought they would, or if there are major challenges, everything is always happening FOR me and that I'm just being redirected to something even better.

When you have this level of trust, making big, bold moves is actually easy!

It doesn't mean I don't have that olddoubt and fear still come up sometimes, I most definitely do.  But I don't stay there and I certainly don't let it stop me.

Life is a trip.  Take a leap and see how you're caught.



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Adrienne Grace Adrienne Grace

Hidden Parts

I've been doing a deep dive into myself for four years. Every time I go inside to look deeply at myself, I get scared. I think there's going to be something dark and ugly staring back at me that I won't want to face.

I've been doing a deep dive into myself for four years.  Every time I go inside to look deeply at myself, I get scared.  I think there's going to be something dark and ugly staring back at me that I won't want to face.

This past weekend, as I was doing some deep inner work I came to a realization.  Nothing inside of me is dark and scary.  All of the things that I was fearful of or ashamed about, are just things that make me human.  We all have this "darkness" inside of us, it's just part of the journey!

In fact, it is those hidden parts of me that I thought were so terrible that actually are the most beautiful things about me.  They're what make me, me.  And it's when we integrate these hidden parts of ourselves and allow them to be seen that we come into our wholeness and become free!

What are you hiding?  I promise, there's nothing inside of you that every human doesn't also experience.  And those parts of you are beautiful too ✨



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